Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Quiet Revelation

It's dusk. I'm sitting on my back porch after a nice walk and the sun is setting. My back porch faces west...so I have the perfect view of the blue, purple, and pink hues glowing through the tree branches that act as the backdrop to my yard.

It is quiet. I can hear birds calling to one another. Probably some sparrows calling for their mates to settle into their nests. And maybe a mama quail whistling for her babies to quiet down for the night.

Yet, even out here...several miles from the city...I can hear the cars going by and airplanes flying overhead. It makes me wonder what it must have sounded like in Eden. When all the animals had settled in for the night and all was quiet. Perfectly, blissfully quiet. And not the frightening quiet that night can sometime produces.

And in this quiet, when all was still, God the Father would come and walk with Adam and Eve. To imagine him sitting down on the bench next to me and just talking with me like my earthly father or hubby would seems so wonderful and scary. What it must have been like to feel no shame or sadness or fear when you looked into His eyes. To simply be with Him. To bask in his love and companionship....

The star that was just peaking over the horizon a while ago is higher now - signaling it's time for me to go inside. But, I hope that in the busyness of tomorrow, I can stop and remember the calm and the quiet I've felt tonight. I hope you can too.

1 comment:

  1. cool Ashley, welcome to the blogging world..I added you on my blog so I can keep tabs on whats going on with ya!
