Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Secret to a Happy Life

Today I did something that I haven't done in years, probably since elementary school. At first, I resisted when my hubby suggested it. It sounded cold and muddy, and would probably included tracking grass into the house.

But, when he gave me his sad eyes and said "pretty please", how could I say no?

So, we went to the store, bought two Super Soaker water guns, and had a water gun fight.

And, just as I expected, it was cold, got my feet muddy, left grass tracked from the back door to the laundry room, was a blast!

I haven't had that much fun in a long time. And I felt like a kid again!

I'm sure Fred thought we were crazy. He kept running from one side of the yard to the other, and then dodging the streams of water.

But, it made me think about all the other child-like things I've left behind that, perhaps, I shouldn't have. Of the ways I've changed and "grown up" that aren't necessarily for the better.

Life when I used to lay on the couch reading even though I had a dishwasher to unload. Ride my bike even though laundry was waiting for me. Or sit cross-legged in bed and coloring a picture when other chores were calling my name.

I know that the house has to be cleaned, dishes loaded into the dishwasher, and laundry folded at some point. But, it doesn't always have to be right now.

This weekend has been a great reminder of that. So, dwell on this...Enjoy life. Buy a water gun!